Posted by Caveo Learning ● May 21, 2014

Ensure the Success of Your Training and Performance Solutions

Training and Performance SessionKnowing the actual data that drives the success of your learning solutions is one of the best ways to ensure continuation of those training programs, especially if the training return on investment is high and the learning function is perceived to deliver business value.

Pinpointing the exact contributors to success of training initiatives or performance solutions can be tricky if you don't know where to begin, though. Here are some tips for determining the return on investment measure of performance and sifting through the seemingly unending stream of learning data.

Creating Performance Solutions KPIs

You can begin to uncover what "clicks" with your training solutions by looking at key performance indicators, or KPIs. These can be found in all departments of your organization and help to illustrate progress toward meeting learning goals and performance results. Learning KPIs are derived from business priorities and success criteria. Once you know what you're expecting out of the training initiatives, the goals you want to achieve, and specifically how the business will measure training impact, you can create and align your learning KPIs.

What makes for successful learning KPIs? There are a few factors to keep in mind:

  • Measure very specific goals. Having a vague vision of what your performance or training strategy should be just won't cut it. Start to think about your desired behavior change and how it will contribute to the larger business outcomes. Which levers are you targeting, and how can you and other department heads measure the movement of these levers?

  • Define and align KPIs early in the process. The best way to achieve very specific goals related to your KPIs is by creating them before your learning solutions are designed.

  • Define measurable goals and benchmarks to heighten your training ROI.

  • Once you capture and connect your learning data, you can see what's working and what isn't within your custom training or learning strategy.

  • Share KPI reports with the department heads involved in the greater training initiatives. This will not only help you tighten KPIs to better align departmental needs with business goals, but it will also show how specific learning and performance solutions are helping them meet their desired results.

In short: If you want to develop a learning initiative that benefits the business, creating KPIs—and aligning them to the KPIs used by other departments and the greater business initiative that your training is supporting—is crucial.

Don't let your learning and performance solutions fall to the wayside or experience budget cuts because you aren’t able to show tangible impacts. Start seeing—and communicatingreal results.

Contact Caveo Learning to discuss how you can better measure your company's performance solutions.

Download the Learning and Development Capability Maturity Model Toolkit

Topics: Metrics & Measurement, Performance Improvement, Managed Services