Like doing the laundry, managing the learning content lifecycle is a tedious but important task to ensure you’re offering...

As training budgets continue to expand and then contract again, learning organizations are desperate for reliable avenues to...

New media seldom replace others; more often, the new refines the old, revealing an essence we hadn’t previously realized.


We know that mobile learning presents an unprecedented opportunity for learning & development professionals, a potentially...

If you're a learning professional with a large, diversified company, there's a good chance your organization uses multiple...

People love their smartphones and tablets—typical users are on their mobile device three hours each day, and 40% feel lost...

The accumulation of cloud computing across the learning & development industry continues its upward climb.

Brandon Hall...

There are myriad ways that social media elements and tools can be incorporated into training initiatives, as we discussed in...

The selection of a learning management system can have serious long-term ramifications for a learning and development...

You have a learning management system. You've identified roles, and you probably have a few standards. You may even have all...